Saturday, July 28, 2007

Which picture to use on your profile?

A big decision I face when joining social networks is what to say about myself and what image to use. This is possibly an even more difficult decision for an egocentric teen. I have come across a couple of interesting ideas in the last week that students may enjoy using as they grapple with the what photo/image issue. The image on the right is me as a Simpson! there are two places to develop one of these- the first Simpsonise me you develop your own choosing different options. The second site also called Simponize me, the one I used, you upload a photo of yourself and the aliens turn you into a Simpson.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

xtimeline- develop a timeline collaboratively.

xtimeline lets your students create a timeline on any subject, linking in information and resources. They can work collaboratively on a project like a wiki.
Of interest to the teacher:
'There are privacy settings for the timeline creator, determining who can view a timeline, who can contribute to a timeline, and who can comment on a timeline. The layout for these timelines is clean, readable, and easy to navigate, which are all key functions to having a useful timeline on the Internet. The information for any given module on a timeline can be viewed along side the timeline, or as a full page, which has the formatting functionality of a blog entry.' (from

There are some interesting ones on the site including a timeline for the crisis in Darfur, history of music in the USA and various wars and historical events. A class or group in a class could develop one to show historical events, this could be added to over successive years...
Many thanks to Pam for letting me know about this tool.